Teachers working on the project: Ms. Barbara Urbán, Ms. Erika Farkas and Ms. Zsuzsanna Duschák (literature department)

As the host of the 1st mobility in November 2017, the students and literature teachers of the Petrik Lajos Vocational School started to work on the project on 14th September, 2017. Their task was to choose a Hungarian folk tale, which would be staged during the mobility, and adapt it to the stage. The topic of the Hungarian mobility is "Animal Tales in the Hungarian Folk Tale Tradition" so they had to choose one tale from the rich heritage that features animal characters.

During the Club's sessions the students, with the guidance of their literature teachers, worked in small groups in a workshop method and they wrote the script of the play together. During the second session, they finalized the raw material. You can see pictures of the sessions in the Photo gallery.

Erasmus+ Our Common European Tale
All rights reserved 2017
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