About the Learning/Teaching materials


The Learning/Teaching materials are created by the teachers participating in the project. They will form the core of the book that will contain all the written materials of the project. It will contain the materials of the 6 partner countries written by the Literature/Arts and Drama teachers of the school. It will also contain the tales that were discussed during the exchanges, as well as the scripts of the plays performed at each exchange. Furthermore, it will contain the "Common European Tale" that will be written by the students of the partner schools based on the common symbols, motifs, topics and themes of the folk culture of the oarticipating countries. For the teaching materials, we will use the Aarne-Thompson-Uther classification of folk tales. The book will also contain a selection of the best blog entries written by the students and their teachers about the process and work of the project, their feelings about the rehearsal period and their feelings before, during and after the performance. The book will be a sum of the activities, materials and feelings of the project.

The materials will be uploaded after each mobility. The first material is due in November 2017, after the Hungarian mobility.

Erasmus+ Our Common European Tale
All rights reserved 2017
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